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Congrats to the women team for winning the GOLD medal in 26 years.
Tues 8pm Channel U
My friend is the research writer for this programme, so must support support a bit.
Exercise Day !
Heh heh, after exercise go eat prata. Back to square one.

Introducing eRin
0730 Mass
The prettiest 梅超风 of all times.
Scratch my car bumper against the wall while parking. Must be over exercised of weights till my arms no strength liao. Very the Sim Tia.
Saturday must go buy 4D liao.
Have you ever heard those marble dropping sound coming from the upper floor of a HBD flat?Well, I've been hearing these recently, sometimes in the day and sometimes in the night.And strangely enough, its either near to 12pm or 12am. Hmmmm.It couldn't be some kids playing marble upstairs. Nowadays, kids only play PS2 or Xbox la. Furthermore, the flat unit above me belong to my sister family with 3 nieces. I'm sure they dont play with marbles.So could it be some "好兄弟" at work?Some have explained that it was caused the contraction of steel bars during cold weather in the concrete wall. Below is a explanation by the Singapore Paranormal Investigators (SPI) "Paranormal investigators' society comes up with explanation for sound of falling marbles with an experiment.IF YOU'RE still hearing the sound of falling marbles in your flat, it could be your neighbour washing up at the sink.After a five-hour experiment on Wednesday, members of the Singapore Paranormal Investigators (SPI), a society made up of paranormal enthusiasts, have come up with what it thinks is the real reason.They say the sound comes from wayer trickling through PVC pipes, which gets distorted through concrete before emerging as the sound of falling marbles."
Heh Heh.. whatever the case, I'm not bother by it.
Just had a blood test done recently, my doctor say my bad cholesterol and fats content is too high. So its time to get back to my training schedule. Hope to loose some kgs before my birthday. Heh heh. Aiming to get a six pack soon? Yeah, I think I can do it.
I was dining at Lau Pa Sat some days back when I saw this group of mandarin speaking tourists. This group just look like any typical tour group but.... They were lead by the tour guide to sit in this section of the food court and then let the tour guide order food for them and they all eat from the same stall, the fishball noodles stall ! I think the tour guide got some commision from the stall. How boring is that ! There are lots of food in Lau Pa Sat and this group just let the tour guide decide what to eat for them. Duh ! Not sure where they from, doesn't look like Mainland Chinese or Taiwanese. Hmmmm... maybe from some ulu nearby place.